12 avr. 2011

26th March, London, "Hello Chaos"

It was one of the biggest demonstration seen for years. Hundreds of thousands united in protest against the coalition government's swinging cuts. Trafalgar Square was in chaos the night of 26th March as protesters clashed with police following one of the biggest demonstrations in British political history.

"Keep Calm and Carry on": the famous doctrine of the British had not been very respected the last 26th march in London. In fact, 250 000 people protested for the first time against the Austerity Politcy launched by the Government to fight the economic and financial crisis. The United Kingdom known for its economic power and resistance suffered a lot from this crisis and it is time for them to regulate. 

It is sure that for a french as I am, this number seemed derisory but, for the country I am in, it is such a big number of protestants! The power of British results in the fact that they normally know that these drastic cuts are the only rational solution to avoid the medium-term bankruptcy and return to public deficit. 

About the Austerity policy: 90 billion euro of budget cuts, a half-million jobs  deleted in the public sector, the retirement age carried in 66 years before 2020, the whole matched by an increase of taxes. 

Without these changes : the GPB would fall from 14% to 2,1%... Critical figure.

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