13 févr. 2011

Day trip to London

Saturday January 19th, we decided with Louise to go visit London, which is only 50 minutes from Cambridge by train. 
From this day, we will remind 3 things in particular : London's Subway, Oxford Circus & Abercrombie and a few touristic visits.

London's subway

We started our day by fighting against the London Underground. In fact, there were problems on the main lines of the center (1st zone) which was not helping us to succeed. The hardest thing to be realized was the purchase of the tickets, especially when machines don't accept french bank cards. ( It necessary to underline, by the way, in which English do not like french people and often try not to facilitate them the spot !! ).
When we finally manage to have tickets and correct route, we went on the platform, the Underground arrived, extremely fast and without any precaution. We stand, squeezed against pressing londoners and, obviously, the subway remained blocked between two stations! We finally arrived in Paddington, one hour after leaving King's Cross : What a success !
I really think that Lyon's subway is the best ever, even the Parisian one appears more pleasant than the Londoner !

 Oxford Circus Underground Station

 Louise !

Oxford Circus and Abercrombie&Fitch

As a real girl, my day trip in London started with a shopping session in Oxford Street. Even if I don't like the Underground, I can say that London is a very interesting city for shopping (yes, yes : interesting). My hour spend in Abercrombie&Fitch looks like a case study. The 30 minutes of queue behind the shop appears really as a trap. Once inside the store, you will find like 50 rooms, 3 flours and people everywhere with music roaring and light sinking. Marketing objective ? I am here pretty sure of that : this allows people to do their shopping quickly and to leave quickly. 
The best memory of this A&F session is for sure the caricatural picture taken with the men with ultra developed muscles in front of the shop.


Oxford Street

Small tourism
A single day is really to short to visit a city as London but I tried to do my best (including my shopping session). We had lunch in Paddington area, not far from the city center, which is a very nice area. I spent the afternoon in Oxford Circus (and its shops), and Piccadilly circus, a veryyyy touristic place pretty impresive! After that, we went to Soho, the gay district, because we knew that the atmosphere was fun. 
I had diner in Notting Hill, the rich district of London. I was a bit disapointed because I expected such a beautiful place as Bel-Air in LA... 
Finally we went back to Kings Cross (St. Pancras station) and went back home. 

To hold of this day :
I hate the Underground
I hate A&F
I love Oxford Street and Soho
British architecture is impressive

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